4 Things to Believe to Attract Positive Vibes in Your Life

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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4 Things to Believe to Attract Positive Vibes in Your Life

We all have days when we feel as if nothing is going right in our lives, as if the whole universe is conspiring against us, and we are all Davids battling the enormity that is bad luck.

Luckily for us, it’s not all about luck.

We actually contribute to the kind we attract. With the energy we send out there, and the things we lead ourselves to think or to believe, there is a lot we have a hand in, if only we take responsibility in them.

Because knowing is half the battle, it would help if you believed what you already know. To win the fight against negative energy, you need to tell yourself:

#1. I am blessed

If you believe that you already have what you need and the things you are going after are just bonuses, you will have more confidence to go after them without the fear of failing.

Sometimes the pressure to succeed and to covet these things or accomplishments keep us from getting them. When you feel the need too much or when you feel desperate to have something, that’s when you lose focus.

Believing you are blessed in your life will help you move without hesitation, to take chances you need to take, and to be resilient if you do somehow fail.

An attitude of gratitude will always be an advantage. It will keep you from turning sour and green with envy.

#2. If I can’t do it now, I’ll try again tomorrow

Timing figures in some of the things we pursue. Don’t be easily discouraged if you don’t get it at the time you attempted.

The universe will give you what you want when the timing is right, not sooner or later than that. Hand in hand with your drive to get what you want is the need to have the patience to wait for it as well.

You don’t stop at the first roadblock. If it’s not meant for you today, it doesn’t mean you won’t have a better chance tomorrow, right?

#3. There has to be another way

An openness of the mind will also widen your chances of getting what you want. There’s no one way of doing something. There are alternatives to consider, and going in with a closed mind will only make things harder for you.

Even in something as concrete as mathematics, there are other ways to arrive at a sum of a number. 5+2 is the same as 6+1.

Be open to the idea that your way of doing something isn’t necessarily the only path towards getting it. Listen to others, look at it from every angle.

#4. I am not alone in this

Even though you have to walk your own path doesn’t mean that you have to walk it alone. Your loved ones are your support system, and without them it will be difficult or almost impossible to your goals.

The people around us provide guidance. They are our second, third, fourth set of eyes, ears, and mouth.

It can’t be helped that sometimes we find it hard to see from a perspective other than our own, and some situations really call for different views. Remember that you are free to ask help from others when it’s necessary.

Don’t bar yourself from asking help because you’re embarrassed or because you’re too proud to have anyone help you. Life is best experienced when shared with people we love.

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Enjoy and have a great day!

Kind regards,
