How to Self-Soothe

Author of Manifestation Miracle

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How to Self-Soothe

There are days when you feel all alone when the people you look to the most to see that you’re not okay seem to be turning a blind eye.

You feel like your feelings are piling up and you don’t know what to do with them.

Days when you feel like nobody understands you and the more you try to explain yourself, the smaller you feel, but the deeper you go into the darkness.

There’s this nagging feeling at the back of your head that you’re going about it the wrong way, but you just can’t help it.

We’ve all been there. Here are some things that might help ease your feelings.


You know when they say to just ‘sleep it off’? Do exactly that the next time you’ve got the blues.

Ever experience that feeling when your worries start creeping in at night just when you’re settling down to sleep, and when you wake up you feel silly for worrying about it the night before?

It’s not easy for everybody to just fall asleep when they have very strong feelings about something, especially if those are negative feelings. It can cause insomnia in some people too in extreme cases.

The thing about that is when it’s night time, or when it’s dark out, the ambiance adds to the drama of your emotions. That’s why come morning, there’s a big chance that you’ll feel differently about your worries.

Everything will seem brighter, lighter, and easier to sort out.

Stay active

Our feelings of depression or sadness are magnified when we’re not busy. We give more time to dissect our emotions and that makes us susceptible to deeper resentments.

One trick is to keep ourselves busy. A static mind will attract so many things that we don’t need to be thinking about.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a physical activity, although it would help a lot to have a physical outlet for our emotions.
What’s important is that you don’t leave room to dwell on yourself. Don’t give yourself the chance to wallow in self-pity.

Watch a movie

Watching something on TV that you can relate to will have a profound impact on how you feel. If you don’t have a sympathetic ear to listen to your rants and your woes, hearing or seeing someone else go through something (even if it is fictional) difficult can be comforting.

You might be thinking, ‘misery loves company’, and yes that’s it. The right company when you’re feeling negative emotions will help you flush those feelings out.

Also, most movies have a happy ending. No matter how challenging the protagonist’s problems are, they find resolution in the end. Watching this will make you feel like even your concerns have an ending.

You need to cling to the hope that things can get better. Hey, if it happened for them, why not to you right?

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Enjoy and have a great day!

Kind regards,
