How To Stop Manifesting Chronic Body Pain For Good

We all want to manifest the good stuff. Relationship, money, house . . . car.

That’s heaven.

But if you’ve got chronic pain, say in your neck or back, have you considered this . . .

You may be manifesting your own hell.

Makes sense. If you can manifest the “good,” you can manifest the “bad”.

You probably don’t want to hear that. You may have a “diagnosis” and who can argue with that?!
Trouble is that keeps you a victim and that’s a horrible place to be.

Great thing is, if you’re the “manifestor” or creator of your own Pain Hell, you can also be the “un-manifestor”. You can get rid of your pain.

I know that’s a big statement.

It’s taken me a long time to learn this and I’m still learning.

Let me share a little of my story. Over a decade ago I walked into my own hell on earth. Didn’t know then that I was the creator of it.

Wasn’t’ my doing to be struck down with neck pain that got so bad I wanted off the planet!

No way could I have brought this on when x-rays showed a herniated disc and doctor’s talked surgery if the physio and other usual treatments didn’t work.

I swallowed this advise along with the pain drugs – as we all do. It’s our accepted, known reality path to hopeful health. Who was I to not believe the medical experts?

But there’s new information and it’s crept over the horizon and it’s on our shores.

We are greater than our physical form.

There’s exciting studies and new biological findings and they’re challenging what we thought we knew.

And yes . . . old beliefs can be hard to let go of. They challenge our equilibrium. We don’t easily give up the hard-rock security of our beliefs.

Imagine knowing the earth was flat, to be told it was round! To accept such a radically different reality wouldn’t have come quickly or easy for those living then!

Human nature is no different now. We cling to our “knowns”. We don’t want to give up our safety-nets that stop us falling into the unknown . . . or a new unknown. That would feel like a free fall; an out of control descent where we might have to let go our familiar sense of safety, and/or our ego.

Most of us don’t like our beliefs, our “knowns,” jeopardised or taken away. We defend them. We get angry at those who dare to shake the status quo. Some of us have been known to even persecute those who bring new or different information (think the herbalist “witches” burnt on the stake or the women suffragettes claiming women should be able to vote.)

So I do get it. I know it can sound like heresy to say chronic pain can be something we manifest and chronic pain can be something we can get rid of (without surgery, physio or drugs).

I used to believe, before the journey into my own pain hell, that the “physical caused the physical”. That my own diagnosed herniated disc (as the “experts” told me), was the cause of my pain.

I know now, that’s not true. But because I’m a bit of a skeptic, I need valid information to be able to accept another point of view.

Blind faith seems an improbable path for me. (No free falling here, thanks very much!)
So let me share this piece of information with you.

A study has been done using MRI’S (Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans) showing such things as degeneration and herniated discs in people’s spines. Not all of the people scanned, were scanned because they were having pain. They were scanned for other reasons and yet they still had these “abnormalities”! Yet they had NO pain!

Wow – that’s an amazing piece of information! It seems that for many of us over a certain age, these changes in our spines are just “normal” aging. They don’t mean we’re headed for pain.

Or what about this piece of information from a leading biologist Bruce Lipton PhD. who found the cells of our bodies are influenced more by energy and our thoughts than by our DNA. Ponder that for a while and see where it takes you.

Or what about a leading neurologist Suzanne O’Sullivan who’s written an excellent book of true stories on clients who were suffering physically and yet there was nothing physically wrong with them!
But back then, I didn’t have this information.

Instead, I was in turmoil. I didn’t want to have surgery and yet all the other treatments I’d tried, hadn’t got rid of the pain.

And then there was my crippling fear.

“Would I have to put up with this awful pain forever?”
“How could I possibly ever cope with this?”

And the more fearful I became . . . the more fearful I became.

And the pain, like a terrorist friend to the fear, didn’t let go. It was relentless.

A doctor told me I was depressed. I told him, “who wouldn’t be, living like this?”

My life, as I’d known it, was gone. Working was difficult, I didn’t want to see friends and hear about their (pain-free) lives. I was desperate, very angry and very scared.

I didn’t know where to turn. The part of me that wanted to just give up was in conflict with the part that had a hunch there was an answer somewhere. (I’d worked as a counselor, so hunches weren’t too foreign to me.).

Thank goodness the hunch part of me won.

I researched and pieced together how others had healed and I put some of this learning into practice.

Ten years later, this became the basis for my healing program The Hidden Door To Healing.

It still amazes me to say this . . . but in just two weeks I was free from the neck pain that had tormented me for six months! And I have never had it again since.

My previous beliefs . . . my previous “knowns” have been challenged. I now have new beliefs and “knowns”.

They’ve come out of what I see as valid scientific information, backed by my own experience of healing.

So what are my new “knowns”?

I now know that I am much more than my physical body.

I know that my thoughts and my emotions affect my body.

I know that physical pain is a messenger to something deeper.

I know there can be a way through.

Chronic pain is no fun. Actually, it’s hell on earth.

And when you’re focused on “how much pain am I in right now,” it’s downright impossible to manifest the good stuff!

The paradox is, when you don’t have pain, you don’t really need too much else, because you’ve found heaven!

And I’ve found a way to disrupt the vicious cycle of pain so you can live your life freely.

Here’s a FREE report on how to PERMANENTLY stop manifesting pain…

The Number One Secret to Healing